كلمات خفية


ملاحظة : هذه الفقرة باللغة الانكليزية ولكنك لن تحتاج الى معرفة معاني الكلمات لتتمكن من حل اللغز . ونعمل حاليا على ألغاز مشابه باللغة العربية.

اشترك في كاس العالم لكرة القدم  2010 اثنتان وثلاثون فريقا وهم (بالانكليزية):

Algeria - Argentina  - Australia - Brazil - Cameroon - Chile - Denmark - England - France - Germany - Ghana - Greece - Honduras - Italy - Ivory Coast - Japan - Mexico - Netherlands - New Zealand - Nigeria - North Korea - Paraguay - Portugal - Serbia - Slovakia - Slovenia - South Africa - South Korea  - Spain -  Switzerland  - United States - Uruguay  

وقد أخفيت أسماء عشرة دول بين الأسطر الآتية فما هي هذه الفرق العشرة؟

1. John saw in the pit a lying elephant.
2. Jeff ran ceaselessly during the final lap of the race.
3. There will be no magic happening even if I say the word abracadabra zillion times.
4. Two of my paternal cousins wed English women.
5. In the church, I learned to pray intently.
6. Using a quill or a remex, I concluded the contract by affixing my signature.
7. Is painless childbirth really non-traumatic?
8. As ordered by the raja, pandas were given comfortable dwellings.
9. If you become a bigger man, your shirts and pants will appear smaller.
10. With an acoustic guitar, gent in a black suit will be coming to the city to perform in a concert.

